Michel's Mods were downloaded 10950 times by 1155 different users.
Download Statistics for Michel's ModsMod | Clicks total |
Open Street Map (Erik Hoppe (+)) | 1306 |
Age at Marriage | 995 |
Sosa | 957 |
Watermark | 586 |
Add Cloud of Names | 543 |
OSM Automatic Geocoding | 487 |
Customized Logs (Bryan Larson & others) | 367 |
Menu manager | 344 |
Group custom events | 333 |
Associate Names | 314 |
Validations Checks | 308 |
Alternate Spellings | 263 |
Age at Event | 261 |
Collapse notes | 225 |
Who is online | 217 |
Secret Medias | 186 |
Connections Counter | 184 |
Disable right Click on pictures | 163 |
Edit Facilities-Event Edition | 152 |
Confidential Note Color | 148 |
MK parameters links | 133 |
Hide Goggle Earth links | 127 |
Admin Menu Link | 124 |
Chronology | 120 |
Direct Edit Menu | 118 |
Add Url into Note | 118 |
Add Cousins Button | 114 |
Display dates with PreferEuro | 112 |
Hide Events | 111 |
Numeric Dates | 110 |
Free Tag Images (New version For TNG14+ only) | 105 |
Add Thumb to search result | 104 |
Let See Some Pages | 103 |
Add family menu link | 89 |
Each Tree Its Template | 87 |
Password generator (Bart Degryse (+)) | 84 |
Republican Dates | 72 |
Add View Button to validation report | 65 |
Edit Facilities-Note Edition | 65 |
Nicedit media description | 64 |
Analyze Installed Mods Only (Obsolete from TNG14) | 57 |
Day for dates | 57 |
Manage cfg files | 56 |
Hide Google Search Buttons (Obsolete - Replaced by Menu Manager) | 47 |
Specify linked event to admin media | 44 |
Office Viewer (Obsolete from TNG14) | 41 |
Nicedit place note (Obsolete from TNG14) | 39 |
Show errors in Mod Analyzer | 37 |
Collapse associations | 36 |
Make associations sortable | 36 |
Easy Edit Generator (For Developpers) | 35 |
Add links to admin pages | 35 |
Mod support form (Jeff Robison (+)) | 29 |
Regroup events | 23 |
MM_data Mod (Rick Bisbee) | 13 |
Comments (Erik Hoppe (+)) | 1 |